Easy Weekend

Oh how I love my weekends, however, short as they always are!!!  Wahhh….seriously, can’t we all band together to do something about this serious not problem & extend weekends!?  I really need a 3rd day!  Oh to dream…. 🙂

We were off to Raleigh this past Friday, doggy in tow, for a little business and pleasure.

Berkley had his first stay in a hotel (oh yes…we were those people with their dog at the hotel!) and did so well!!  He loved meeting lots of people, having the run of the room, and a lower bed so he could actually jump up onto it!  Haha, still slept in his crate, though like a champ!  Our little crate sleeper 🙂
Since we were away, it was one of those times where you’re forced to relax, and I can’t say I minded!  The weather was gorgeous, I got a good workout in each day, strolled with Berkley in a park nearby, did a little work, played a little candy crush, laid around!  Not too shabby y’all!
We grabbed a delish dinner out Saturday night at Cantina 18!  If you’re in the Raleigh area, go there asap & have a skinny margarita!!!  So good!

I spent a good portion of my afternoon yesterday grocery shopping & then food prepping in the kitchen!  Eating clean, while not hard, does take some serious prep!  Well worth it, though!  After all…

Manic Monday today wasn’t so terrible, so I guess I can’t really complain!  And I’m glad to have my hubby home for an extra night in the wake of everything that happened in Boston today!!
In the midst of all that’s awful, this quote gives me hope that maybe people are inherently good.
There are always helpers!  Today, seeing the first responders run towards the blasts, we know some people are inherently good and it restores you just a little in the middle of all this evil.
I hope your Monday was easy and your loved ones are accounted for and hugged extra tight tonight friends!  Talk soon 🙂

Menu Monday Vol. III

It’s been a few weeks since I last linked up with Rachel at In No Simple Language for Menu Monday, so here’s what’s been on my Paleo menu lately!
Paleo Menu Monday Vol. III!

I mentioned the Paleo brownies I made for my birthday a few weeks ago, but never shared the link!
Seriously, so good & only 5 ingredients!  Well, plus the Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips I added!!

Roasted Veggies
There’s no real recipe for this, but it’s so easy! Just peel and cut up a sweet potato into chunks (a bit bigger than the picture)  and slice a zucchini and squash about an inch think.  Toss in some EVOO, chipotle chili powder, garlic powder and sea salt.  Roast on 450 for about 20 minutes!  So yummy and a good way to get in your veggies 🙂
from site
I am a pizza LOVER!!  Ever since starting Paleo, it’s definitely been something I’ve missed and dreamed of!  Cheese is a pretty important ingredient for pizzas and well…cheese is not Paleo.  So I just figured there was no way I could ever make a Paleo pizza since it would be missing such an important part!  But this pizza was the perfect solution!  It doesn’t require cheese and I really liked the almond flour crust!  B liked it too, we’ve made it twice now!
I also used the same crust recipe and was able to tweak one of my most favorite pizzas – Thai Chicken Pizza – to make it mostly Paleo!  I subbed stevia for sugar and almond flour for the cornstarch in the sauce, also left off the cheese & subbed almonds for peanuts.  
These 2 pizzas made my pizza loving inner fat girl so happy!!
from site
A blogger I follow, Jennifer Francis, posted this recipe a few weeks ago and when I got my new food processor I knew this would be one of the first things I made with it!!  I served it once with Garlic Lime Chicken and then again last night with Salsa Chicken from the crock pot.  Not exactly the best smelling dish to make, but the end result is super tasty!!
I also made Stuffed Spaghetti Squash again as our pre Spartan Race dinner!
That’s most of what I’ve been cooking lately!  What are you going to try!?

Menu Monday Vol. II

Linking up with my friend Rachel at In No Simple Language again today for Paleo Menu Monday Vol. II!
It’s been 2 weeks since my last link up, so here’s what Paleo dishes I’ve been making lately…
Marinated Sirloin Steak, Butternut Squash, & Roasted Asparagus
This was our Valentine’s night meal!  I bought the steak from The Meat House and marinated it using a mixture of steak marinades I made from combining marinades 2 & 3 from this list off of Mark’s Daily Apple.
I buy the pre-cut (easier!) butternut squash from the produce section, mix it with diced onion (about half of a large onion), then toss it in some EVOO, put it in a glass baking dish, add 3 cut up cloves of fresh garlic, and a few pads of butter.  Bake at 425 for about 45-50 mins & voila!  So yummy!
For the asparagus, I just drizzle some EVOO over the asparagus on a tinfoil covered cookie sheet, sprinkle with sea salt and roast at 400 for about 25-30 minutes to desired crunchiness.  We like it crunchy around here!
Of course Valentine’s Day isn’t complete without some chocolate!!  So I tried this Primal Fudge recipe I found on Pinterest.
We were big fans & I’ll definitely be making this fudge again!  Because of the coconut oil, there is a hint of a coconut taste.  So if you don’t like coconut, you might not like these.  But we loved them!
from site
I made this with Andrea for Bachelor Monday Night & it was a big hit!!  It was Andrea’s first time to have spaghetti squash and she is now a fan!  Pretty easy, too!  I only sprinkled the top with a bit of parm to keep it as Paleo (no dairy!) as possible.  
If you’ve never cooked a spaghetti squash, you can read up on how to here.
from site
These are another Pinterest find!  I made them last night with some Cajun Chicken we picked up from The Meat House (can you tell we like that place!? ;))  and B and I both really liked them!
Disclaimer – they do have a little bit (tbsp and a half) of brown sugar, which is not Paleo, but I did include it.  It could have easily been left off & I think they would still be delish!!
from site
Another Pinterest success!!  We are big fans of breakfast for dinner around here!  The girls and I made these for Bachelor Monday Night & I made them again for dinner last night.  We made them sans blueberries & served them with some eggs & turkey bacon the first time!  Last night, I added the blueberries, same sides.  YUM!
Alright, that’s all I’ve got for ya today!  What’s going on your menu!?
**You can read Paleo Menu Monday Vol. I here**

Lazy Bones Weekend

The weather was here, wish you were beautiful!
How’s the weather in your neck of the woods?  The weather here has been amazing!!  75 degrees & gorgeous today!  B and I both went for a run outside.  Separate of course, because a) he runs way faster than me & b) we fight when we run together.  Sometimes I just need to walk for a second! Those hills!  Ughh!
Haha, we both got home and took little boy for a walk, then B waxed up Rachelle (yes, the truck has a name!) while I got all Paleofied in the kitchen 🙂
We had breakfast for dinner tonight, B had waffles & I attempted Paleo pancakes for the first time! Mine aren’t super pretty, but they were really good!
And easy to make – 1 mashed up banana, 1 egg, a dash of cinnamon & I added blueberries!  I topped with a drizzle of maple syrup & of course some bacon, duh!
While in the kitchen, I made some egg breakfast sandwiches for the week.  They were supposed to look similar to this…
Alas, they do not!  Haha, but I think they’ll still be good.  We shall see!
I have a new favorite Paleo site!  It’s Cave Girl Dish.  I found it last weekend and I’ve made 3 recipes already!
Since discovering the site, I’ve made their Garlic Lime Chicken (I sub onion powder instead of onion cause I don’t like it, sans cilantro because I didn’t have any, and I left out the veggies – did different sides), SlowCooker Pork Chops, and tomorrow I’m trying out Skillet Taco Pie with Andrea for Bachelor Monday Night!  I also made the Cocoa-Nut Date Balls today!  Brandon has approved of all so far!
We’ve had a super lazy weekend!!
No real plans, lots of working out, lots of couch and Shameless Season 2!  This show is so twisted, but so good.  It’s like a train wreck, you just can’t look away!
I’ve loved this weather so, so much!  I’m so afraid for Tuesday and it’s high of 49.  Yuck!  But I guess this is just a taste of spring and what’s to look forward to 🙂 
I’m going to soak up these last minutes of laziness!  How was your weekend?

Weekend Recap

Welp, sadly it’s already Sunday night & the weekend is coming to a close!  We’re watching a movie, though, while listening to the rain fall through our open windows…so I really can’t complain 🙂
We’ve had a busy, but great weekend!!  
Friday night was all I had hoped for and more – B and I took a day off from the gym & enjoyed a pre-dinner beverage on the patio after work while watching the kids play in the back yard!
We met our friends Sam & Lisa for dinner at Bad Daddy’s Burger Bar and parked it on the patio.  {Very easy to eat Paleo at Bad Daddy’s by the way!}  It was perfect porch eating weather, and you know I love that!!
Sam & Lisa 🙂

Me & B!
We took the party over to Fox & Hound afterwards where our friends Andrea and Corey met us.  We, of course got a little camera happy!  Somehow Andrea & Corey didn’t make it into a pic 😦
Haha, Sam’s face!

Cute couple!!


Saturday we slept in & it was oh so needed!  We both got in a good workout, then ran some errands.  I went to about 5 grocery stores {ok, just 2} and Target, then met B at The Meat House to pick out our steaks for dinner!

We relaxed on the couch & watched 21 Jump Street with Channing Tatum & Jonah Hill.  Have you seen it!?  It’s HI-larious, so you should definitely rent it!
Today we unintentionally slept in extra late, past 10!!  We never do that, but I guess these weeks are just exhausting us!  I hit the ground running and got to meal planning for the week….made my Paleo breakfast muffins, hard boiled a few eggs, chopped up a pineapple I bought and got dinner going in the crockpot.  
If there’s anything I’ve figured out about Paleo, it takes a lot of planning!  But it’s way worth it!!
B set out for a long run outside – he has his Spartan Beast Race coming up in a month so he’s training hard!  I went for a long run at the gym so I wouldn’t miss any of the Panther’s game!!  Wooo did we smoke those Saints or what!?!?  Who Dat pshhhh.
It was quite motivating to run to the game I must say….if we did something great I was excited & pumped and if we did something not so great I was angry and ran faster, haha.
Obviously I wore Panther’s colors & my Panther’s hat!!
Tonight, I finished up a small bit of lesson planning while this guy just tried getting in the way…
Can’t be mad at him though, he’s just too cute!  And these 2 are currently snuggling 🙂
Hope y’all had a fantastic weekend!  I’m off to enjoy what’s left of my Sunday night…here’s to a lightning quick work week!

Busy Summer Days

Welp, it’s officially summer now!  Sadly the days will only just get shorter and I’m already down one week of summer vacay ;-( Tear!

But the days are still long for now and I’ve been taking advantage of that summer day light!

I’m 11 days into my 60 day Insanity workouts!!  And…I’m really loving it so far!  It’s hard. Like, sweating out of every pore in my body, heart beating out of my chest kinda hard.  It’s high cardio interval and resistance training which I think is just what my slow metabolism body needs!

I took before pics and while it’s hard to visibly see a lot of changes in my body yet, I definitely feel a lot of changes!  Things are feeling tighter!  ðŸ™‚  So that’s definitely a good sign!

Besides working out…I’ve been quite a busy housewife!  I’ve decided it’s definitely my favorite job, even though I don’t get paid a dime for doing it!  So far, here’s what I’ve tackled this week…

We ran out of the floor cleaner we bought after first moving into our house back in April and I’ve read tons between blogs and other sites on the internet about cleaning with vinegar.  
So Tuesday at Target, I figured for $2.64 for this giant gallon of vinegar – I wouldn’t be out too much money if I hated it.  When I got home, I diluted it with water in my spray mop and mopped away.
I’m hooked, y’all!  The floors look amazing and shiny and I’m sold!  I’ll never buy floor cleaner again.

Wednesday, I had a hair appointment…

It was time.  Time to chop off some of that long length.  It was too much and just had to go!

So here’s the finished product after I showered last night and straightened it.  I love the choppiness & long layers 🙂
Today I put Pinterest to good use & tried out two recipes I’d recently pinned.  And they’re both keepers, so check ’em out!

First I made this Skinny Vanilla Mocha Iced Coffee.  The recipe actually calls it a frappe knock off and blended it using coffee they had frozen.  
I, however, did not freeze my coffee because I needed instant gratification, so I just made mine iced coffee.  It wasn’t Starbucks, but it was a close second!  The recipe made a bunch so I had half today, and half left for tomorrow!  And, bonus, it’s way low cal – no guilt 🙂
For dinner I made this Cheesy Chicken & Rice Bake.
Super easy and B & I loved it.  Basically it’s a burrito bowl casserole.  And it will definitely be a keeper in our house!
The flower beds in our back yard along the house have been begging for attention!  They need some weeding like whoa.  {And since you can’t see the back yard, this task has gone on the back burner, unlike the completed front yard 🙂 }
I didn’t get a before picture of this bed, but I hacked the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of it this morning!!  And it is now weed free 🙂  See all the hacked up area in front of the old pine needles?  That used to be crab grass – not anymore, my friends!  
It was too daggum hot to tackle the other bed.  That’s now on next week’s to do list!
Today is an easier video in the Insanity workout schedule, so this afternoon I met Andrea for a run at the greenway…
And it was hot!!  We managed 35 minutes (with a bit of walking!) in the scorching heat – Drea probably could’ve gone longer, she’s quite the runner – but she slowed down for me cause she’s sweet!
Tomorrow I’m planning to touch up the trim in the kitchen from when we painted it a few weeks ago.  And tomorrow night, I’m looking forward to trying this recipe out, also on my Pinterest board

Twitter & the blog world have been raving about these grilled avocados so I’m really excited to try them!  I love avocado and this just seems like the perfect side for a summer night’s meal 🙂

It’s been a busy summer so far, but I’m loving it!  My summer to-do list keeps getting longer, too :/  I have a few projects I’m hoping to tackle, so I’ll share those soon!

Hope you’re enjoying these long summer days, as well!

I like it hot!

My food that is!  What were you thinking? 😉

I used to be super picky!  Like way, super picky.  Just ask my momma…she’d let me eat bowl after bowl of cereal for 2 or so meals a day sometimes so I’d actually eat!  And it wasn’t for her lack of trying, I was just stubborn and picky.  
And I’m still kinda picky…but I’ve come a long, long way!!  I’ve branched way out in my older age and now I have quite a taste for all things spicy & hot 😉
Last week during my meal planning and domestic goddess-ness, I ran across this recipe on Pinterest.
Yum!! via A Small Snippet Blog

Now, Brandon & I love some Thai food – and the spicier the better!  Our favorite local Thai place is Basil (which I’ve mentioned before), but every attempt I’ve ever made to make good Thai for us at home has failed miserably.  Until now!
This recipe was banging, y’all!!  I do not tell a lie!  This blog recommends serving it cold – but I served it hot & added chicken since my man likes some protein with his dinner!  But I made it again last night for Bachelorette Monday Night for Andrea & Emily – since Emily’s a vegetarian, I left the meat out.  Still so good!!
There were leftovers from last night, too, so I’m excited to try it cold!
Below is the recipe card from the blog, of which I will soon be printing out to add to my recipe stash!
Just fyi – the recipe card doesn’t mention the carrots so I accidentally left those out the first time I made it, and I didn’t have any cilantro the first time either.
So for realz…go get these ingredients and make this recipe asap!
Also, if you have any ripe banana’s laying around, Emily brought some “Healthy Chocolate Chunk Cookies” with no sugar or egg to our Bachelorette Monday Night & since they were healthy, we all ate 3 🙂
via Kitchen Karate Blog
These were delish and so, so good, I’ll be making these soon!
Happy spicy, sweet & “healthy” eating, y’all!

What I’m Loving Wendesday!

I’m linking up with Jamie today for What I’m Loving Wednesday 🙂

It’s been a good week so far and I just love Wednesdays….over the hump & that much closer to my man coming home on Thursday and the weekend just around the corner!

I’m really loving our new pillows!
We picked these up over the weekend at World Market with a gift card we had from Christmas!  We’d been saving that sucker for a sweet purchase for our home and I’m very pleased with what we got!  Love the colors…I want to incorporate the greens, yellows, browns, greys, and blues into whatever chair we eventually get for our living room!
This week I’m also loving Monday!  Ok not really Monday…more like Monday night

Monday night is now Bachelorette Monday!  Emily Maynard is this season’s bachelorette and it was filmed in my beloved hometown, Charlotte!!  Emily lives here in the Queen City and for the first time the show moved filming for the bachelor/bachelorette.  
My friend Andrea came over & she I watched the first episode while making and enjoying homemade Banana Bread, some spinach artichoke kale dip and salad for dinner!  Yum!!  Girls nights now every Bachelorette Monday!!
After our yardwork this past weekend, I figured out I’m not allergic to poison ivy – and this is fantastic!!!  
A few of the ginormous weeds we pulled out of our flower beds were poison ivy.  I’ve never had poison ivy so I didn’t really even know if I was allergic, but my brother is highly allergic so I was kinda worried.  I wore gloves, but it still touched my arms and my gloves definitely brushed my face a time or two – I was sure I was going to be swollen and itchy almost immediately.  Gladly, there has been so swelling or itching to date.  Phew!!
I’ve pretty much been a domestic goddess this week – between sweeping and mopping the upstairs & downstairs floors yesterday and today, doing some laundry, unloading the dishwasher, meal planning for the weekend…. yeah I’m awesome!  And exhausted, just call me Cinderella 🙂  I’m trying a new recipe tomorrow, so if it’s a keeper, I’ll share soon!
As part of my domestic divaness, I also started taping the kitchen!
Cause we’re painting this weekend!!  The winning color is….the second color from the top….

City Chic!!  It’s kind of a grey, mocha, khaki color and I think it will look great with our granite!  I’m super excited to get the painting over with see the finished product!  Pictures to come next week 🙂
What I’m really loving….my bed and the fact that I’m about to go to sleep 🙂  Testing at school this week is wearing me out!  Down to 15 days!!!!!
Happy Hump Day y’all!!

The Random 11

So I’ve never really done one of these “Tag, you’re it!” posts before, but one of my new favorite bloggers (new to me that is, because I recently found her site 🙂 not new to the blog world), Danica over at Chic Runner tagged me & I can’t resist a good rando blog post 🙂  So here goes….

The Random Eleven
The Rules:
  • Post these rules
  • Post 11 random things about yourself
  • Answer the questions set for you in their post
  • Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
  • Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
  • No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!

11 Random Facts About Me:

1 – I am slightly obsessed with having painted nails.  Like all the time.  I feel like I look sloppy or undone or something with plain nails.  I know that’s not true, but I just feel that way!  Can’t help it.

2 – After 8 seasons, I am still a loyal Grey’s Anatomy watcher!  It’s probably my favorite show on TV and I look forward to Thursday nights a little too much.  They almost lost me there a few seasons ago, but they drew me back in.  And so I will watch until the end of Grey’s.

3 – I’ve been wanting to dye my hair darker.  Like black.  My hair’s pretty dark as it is, but I want more darkness!  I’ve always said I won’t start dying it until I go gray because once you start, you can’t stop.  But I really want to go ahead and start…I’m just not going gray fast enough 🙂  We’ll just have to see how long I can hold out!

4 – I am awful about folding laundry!  I don’t mind folding laundry, I just never seem to do it right away.  My dry clothes tend to stay in the dryer and wrinkle up for days on end before I feel the need to get them out and fold them. Or until Brandon gives me a hard time about! He usually does most of the folding if we’re being honest 😉

5 – Out of pure necessity, I learned how to put air in my tires this week!!  I am really impressed with myself, I might add!  I no longer live with my father (or mother) or my brother and while I do live with a man, he’s gone about 4 days out of the week.  Tire was low and there was no choice, it had to be done & I did it all by myself!!

6 – I tend to be a planner and I like to plan ahead for what I’m going to cook on Thursday & Friday nights when B gets home.  This means that its usually Monday and I say, “Hey babe, what should I cook on Thursday?” to which he replies “Ha I don’t know, it’s Monday!”  Or it might be Saturday morning while we’re eating breakfast and I’ll say, “What should we do for dinner tonight?” and he’ll say, “I don’t know, what do you want for dinner next Friday?” Grrr…it’s aggravating and funny all in one!
7 – We watch a lot of movies in our house.  A LOT!  Brandon’s had the Blockbuster version of Netflix since before I met him which will send us 3 movies at a time.  Sometimes we watch all 3 movies in one weekend!
8 – I tend to count things.  For instance the number of steps I take, stairs, syllables in words, the list goes on.  Don’t get my wrong, I’m not OCD or anything, swear!  I don’t recount if my counting gets off or have to start over or anything.  It’s more like just a way to pass the time…. Ok well maybe I’m just weird 😉
9 – I really wish I read more.  I love to read, but during the school year when I’m waking up at oh’ dark hundred every day, reading at night is like opening a text book.  Puts me to sleep right away!  So unfortunately, I pretty much only ever read during the summer.  Unless it’s a blog!
10 – I have a huge fear of heights, but yet I have managed to jump off a bridge (in high school) as well as a cliff in Jamaica.  I don’t like to stand near the edge of really tall places, hold my hand, cell phone, camera, etc over the edge, or even have people I kinda like stand near the edge.  Creeps me out!  But I can handle flying, roller coasters, and a ski lift – without looking down.
11 – I can’t stand lipstick.  I have tried, oh how I have tried.  Unless it’s Carmex Cherry or a good lip gloss, I just can’t do it.
11 Questions from Chic Runner
  • What’s your favorite article of clothing?  It’s hard to pick just one, but I think my gray boyfriend cardigan.  Does this make me 80?  Haha, I actually wore it today.
It’s so versatile & goes with anything!  If loving it makes me 80 then I’m ok with being old.
  • Morning person or night owl?  I think I’m a little of both.  But I am for sure not a 530am morning person which is unfortunately what I have to be during the school year and causes me to fall asleep the exact second that my head hits the pillow!
  • How many glasses of water do you drink a day?  I *try* to drink 8 like a good girl.  But it’s probably more like 4 to 6.  I carry my water bottle around with me at school all day and usually leave it about 4 places along the way.
  • What is your biggest fear?  Superficially, probably something involving heights (as noted above).  Seriously, probably something terrible happening to someone I love.
  • Starbucks or Coffee Bean? Starbucks fo’ sho’ – there aren’t too many Coffee Beans on the East Coast.  In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been to one.
  • What was the best gift you’ve ever gotten? Probably my engagement ring!  Not trying to be materialistic, but it’s extra special to me because Brandon never once took me to look at rings and picked it out all by himself while thinking of me!  I love him and it and couldn’t have picked a more perfect ring!!
  • What is your favorite color?  I’m an earth tones kinda gal.
  • Would you rather get a phone call every hour from a stranger or not have a cell phone for a year?  This might be the hardest question ever because my cell phone is my 5th limb, so I guess I have to go with a phone call every hour from a stranger, although it might drive me insane.  I could just ignore them though, right!? 🙂
  • MLB or NBA?  MLB, hands down.  In fact, I wouldn’t care if they cancelled the NBA altogether.  But I love me some baseball in the summer time!!
  • Do you use a daily planner?  Yes, actually, several.  I have my EC planner which is a combo of school & personal life, the calendar on my phone which is typically just personal stuff & birthdays, and then I have a work “to-do” list, a to do list for each day of the week on my phone, as well as other phone lists – such as songs to download, wants, restaurants to try, bills, grocery store, target…. Ok, wow, maybe I am OCD?  I just know that if I don’t write it down it won’t get done – and I just like lists a lot 🙂
  • What’s one thing on your ‘bucket list?’  To take a Mediterranean cruise!  One day!

My Questions for you:
  • What is your favorite vacation spot?
  • What are the 5 items you cannot live without?
  • What are your top 3 favorite movies?
  • Chocolate or Flowers?
  • What are you most proud of so far in your life?
  • What is favorite cocktail/drink of choice?
  • Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
  • What’s your guilty pleasure?
  • What is your dream job?
  • Ballet flats, boots, or heels?
  • Would you rather run outside or on the treadmill?

Who I’m taggin’: (Please, under no circumstances, should you feel pressure to participate! Just for fun/if you want to 🙂 And I don’t even have 11 people to tag, so I’m just picking a few!)

Thankful Thursday

Keeping with my theme from yesterday and my attitude of gratitude…..here’s what I’m thankful for today….

Today is Thursday.  Which means this man comes home…
Today is also an *off* day from the gym!!  Can I get an amen?
Thursdays are easily my favorite because they bring B home to me and bring me pretty much to the weekend!  I have actually meal planned for tonight & tomorrow night….success….and tonight I will not darken the door of the gym. I will spend the night on the couch beside my main squeeze watching our shows =)
Tomorrow I will wake up to a FRIDAY and even better…..a teacher workday!!!

Yes, today, I am thankful!!
What are you thankful for, friends?